I'd like to talk about 2 topics that really have nothing to do with each other. Our new president Barack Obama, and Wal Mart.
First, President Obama. Of course anything I can say has already been said five hundred times over, but I will say it anyway. I am excited and optimistic at having a president who has the country's best interests in mind when making decisions. I was very disappointed with George W. Bush and his stubborn stay-the-course way of thinking. He'd stay the course even when it was very obvious it was the wrong way to go.
I'm excited that President Obama understands the need for research and development in this country towards alternative, zero-emission energy sources such as wind, solar, and geothermal. Our country has so many brilliant people that are able to make serious advances in these fields if given a chance. There was such little funding given out by the last administration that its no wonder other countries are starting to leap us in technological advances. It is going to be a very interesting next 100 days to see what all he accomplishes.
Secondly, on to Wal Mart. I do not like supporting that company, I do not enjoy shopping the store, and entering their parking lot is taking your own life in your hands...or possibly some idiot's hands driving through there not paying attention.
We have started grocery shopping at the local Super Wal Mart in an attempt to save money. The adjective used, super, is quite ironic. My dictionary defines super as:
very good or pleasant; excellent, which aren't exactly the words that come to mind when I think of Wal Mart. It is dirty, employees rarely seem to want to be there and are rarely friendly. The customers that shop there are different than what you would find at say Target or Hy-Vee grocery store. Different in that they also seem more crabby, rude, not paying attention.
Not to mention how Wal Mart's business practices are sketchy and unfair to the manufacturers. To get the low low prices they have, the manufacturers either have to accept a lower profit margin (i.e. razor-thin) on items sold to Wal Mart or lower the quality of the items they sell to Wal Mart.
Why after all these negative things I have mentioned do I continue to shop there then? It simply comes down to price and cost savings. Its a tough time right now financially for many people, us included. We have seen a price savings buying our groceries at Wal Mart vs. the local megamart grocery stores. I still feel dirty and a feeling of gloom and regret comes over me as I enter the building.
Is it as bad as I describe? Possibly. Am I exaggerating a bit? Probably. But that does not mean there is not an ounce of truth to my statements. Yes I know I just used a double-negative. I'm not a professional writer, so go screw yourself. ha ha ha :)