Saturday, October 11, 2008

This isn't supposed to happen!

I did laundry today and since the forecast was for clear skies, I hung 4 loads of laundry outside. Was sunny, a slight breeze, perfect for drying clothes the natural and environmentally friendly way. They were outside for around 3-4 hours and were probably dry, then I heard thunder. At first I thought it was just from the road construction a block away but then I heard it again and softly said "Oh Sh&@", since Anna was napping.

I ran out with laundry baskets in tow and started pulling the laundry off. Just a few droplets of rain, no big deal, I'll be fine....WTF its POURING NOW! I was getting soaked and so were the clothes. I frantically got everything pulled off and brought it inside where I surveyed the damage. The clothes weren't all that wet but I will have to run them through the dryer to get the dry again.

Damn you mother nature...DAMN YOUUUUUU!