Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm a king now!

I just got back from the dentist where I had a crown put in on one of my molars. It had cracked in a couple places so he had to drill out the filling and prep it to be crowned. It was actually a pretty cool procedure once all of the barbaric drilling was done. He took some pictures of the tooth with this instrument that turned it into a 3D model of my tooth. From there he was able to sculpt out the crown which in turn got sent to an automated milling machine.

In about 20 minutes we had a perfect crown, he got it put in and glued down or whatever they do to secure the thing, and I was good to go. It was a 2 hour procedure and was pain free, just some discomfort at times. When I got home, it looks like a perfect tooth. Its kind of weird not seeing the silver filling there anymore that I've had for something like 15 years.

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