I read a story about how this Dunkin Donuts ad is being pulled because of ONE person's complaining on her high-profile blog.
Here is a link to the story
This woman from Fox News named Michelle Malkin felt that the scarf that Rachel Ray is wearing in the ad "looks like a keffiyeh, a traditional headdress worn by Arab men." She then makes the claim that this is supporting terrorists. She basically makes the claim that anyone that wears one is a terrorist.

She wrote this column in her blog, I've never been there and after reading this article I definitely won't be paying her a visit. Her claims are so incredibly intolerant and racist that I can't believe anyone would take it seriously. That is the problem with blogs, any idiot can post up whatever they want. Hell, even I have one and you're reading it right now. But the problem is, there are no editors, and many times, no journalistic integrity.
Unfortunately she has many many visitors to her blog, apparently all of which share her same closed minded racist views. This caused an uproar and Dunkin Donuts decided to pull the ad to avoid negative reaction to it. I hate that one person's incredibly warped view on something can have this strong affect on things. Fox News in general seems to be guilty of this kind of thing all the time: distorting the news, having an obvious conservative stance on things yet constantly have graphic stories about sexual material, violence, etc.
It just seems that the past 7 years under the George W. Bush regime that this country has really suffered. Maybe it is just because I'm older and I notice more of it now, but it just seems that there is a lot more closed-mindedness, racism, intolerence, etc.
What has this world come to? Must we make up crap like that reporter did just to hype ratings? I am all in favor of free speech but this borders on stupid! As for Duncan Donuts.....They should have thought twice before pulling the ad. It is clear to me they have plenty of dough but no balls.