Sunday, November 30, 2008

I blame my wife

Anna showed me several kitty videos on Youtube today. Now I want a kitty! We already have 2, but I'd like a little kitten now too.

At work, they are changing our cell phone carrier from Sprint to AT&T. This change makes me nervous since Sprint has phenomenal coverage in my area and AT&T is questionable. I got the new phone and it should be active in a few days so we'll see how well it performs around the area. The phone is a slightly different model and it does feel a bit more refined and solid.

We got a little bit of snow today and both of us would definitely like more. I think we will also set up our Christmas tree and decorations on Monday. So far, I'm not too grumpy about the holidays. Some years I can't wait for it to be over with and other years it is no big deal.

Ho ho ho


  1. Do you have a new kitty yet? Dad

  2. Nah, no kitties yet. We haven't even gone to the Humane Society yet, which is probably a good idea.
