Monday, November 10, 2008

When it rains, it pours

Why does everything happen at the same time? We've managed to rack up quite the debt in the past month. First Anna had her sleep test and subsequent CPAP machine to allow her to get good sleep, totally worth it. Then her laptop died and needed to be replaced. My car needed work so it would run this winter, and then we had to put new headlights and a battery in Anna's car. Plus insurance on my car and license plate tabs are due on her car now.

Seriously, this stuff couldn't have spaced itself out a little more? I think I'll save money by shredding up old bills and junk mail and boil it for dinner. I wonder how much a kidney goes for on the black market? I have 2 of them, I'm sure I can get by with just one.

Other ways I could make money:

- Get into bank robbery on the side.
- Part-time treasure hunter.
- Get a loan for $50,000 and use it to buy 50,000 Powerball tickets. You'd have to at least break even with that many, right?
- Become a heroin dealer. People need heroin!
- Marry a rich old woman on the verge of death and get into her will.
- Figure out what kind of paintbrush Pablo Picasso used, buy one, and create million dollar paintings
- Blackmail. The person knows who they are. *glares*
- Sell off the 75 gold bricks I have in my basement. I don't think I really need them
- I've had this idea of making a website where people could sell stuff, in the form of an online auction. I'm pretty sure no one has thought of that yet.
- Travel back through time and purchase lots of shares in Apple, Google, and Microsoft
- Stop buying those cute little pony figurines by the dozens
- Those 3 Van Gogh paintings that nobody knows I have...they might be worth something.

1 comment:

  1. I think you forgot just how much children go for on the black market. We really need to explore that option; the attic is getting quite full.
