Monday, December 15, 2008

I can't help it!!

Ok ok, so I'm doing a blog post about the cold weather. Yeah I can't help it.

Chilly day here this morning. Woke up to about -10F but at least it was bright and sunny outside. I went to go get the cars started and driveway shoveled and surprisingly both cars started right up no problem. Of course the plow went by about one minute before Anna left and I was able to pull my car in the driveway, so it left a nice pile of snow around my car. Luckily I was able to move it out no problem after Anna left and even better, the plow driver made another sweep through my street to clear out the pile left by my car in the way.

Had my physical therapy again on my wrist and it seemed to make a bit of an improvement. Even tonight it isn't quite as sore as it has been. It could be just that I've been so cold all day that its being kept numb.

My first appointment at work today was in the town of St. Peter. When I arrived at the house, the clients warned me that their furnace has been down all day but someone was on the way to fix it. Needless to say, it was very cold in there, about 50 degrees (I saw the thermometer). They had space heaters and the oven door open just to keep the house from being frozen. The furnace guy finished up right as I was leaving. Turns out their problem was simply an exterior vent clogged with snow. Stupidly simple, but was enough to keep their furnace off.

My second appointment was at a house in rural North Mankato. The computer room was quite cold and the client made sure to point out to me several times that she can't wait to remodel that room and duct in more heat.

I didn't take my coat off at all today while at work, and I work inside! I feel so sorry for the people that have to do road construction, deliver mail, fix utilities, etc in this cold cold weather.

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