My client today had a very nice
Bengal cat. Anna and I both love the look of a Bengal, very wild looking with the spots of a leopard, but very tame and social. This cat was very playful and really enjoyed watching me hook up her owner's computer. The cat loved to be pet and played with and I was kind of sad I finished up with the work quickly and had to go.
I've been wanting to get another cat lately and it would be awesome to find a Bengal cat, but its probably not very likely we'll find one at the
Humane Society to adopt. I know I could get one from a pet store or a breeder, but they are expensive cats so I wouldn't go that route.
Here are a few pictures I found of Bengal cats.

Bengals are my favorite kind of cat. If you're really, really lucky, you can find cats that look VERY similar at shelters. But they are few and far in between. I saw one at PetSmart about 3 months ago and almost adopted it!! :-)